1. Ability to be comfortable with English in use while reading or listening.

2. Ability to use receptive skills through reading and listening to acquire good exposure to language and literature.

3. Ability to write and speak good English in all situations

. 4. Students should develop style in speech and writing and manipulate the tools of language for effective communication.

 5. The course should provide exposure to the learners in Good Prose texts and Poems and expose the learners to value based ideas.

6. Students should enhance their language skills especially in the areas of grammar and pronunciation.


 1. Students can read and understand any text in English listening to the inputs given by the teacher in the classroom.

 2. Students imbibe the rules of language unconsciously and tune to deduce language structure and usage. 

3. Students write paragraphs, essays, and letters.

 4. Students decipher the mechanism of language and use it for success in competitive examinations and job related speaking and writing tasks.

يعتبر هذا المقرر من المقررات الأساسية في مرحلة الدكتوراة في برنامج فلسفة تقنيات التعليم ويعنى في دراسة توظيف وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي في عملية التعليم.